Anal Itching Pruritus Ani: Causes, Treatment, Home Remedies

Candida is a fungus that frequently infects the skin, often in warm, moist areas such as the buttocks and groin. Candida is the most common cause of diaper rash in babies and adults. In people with keratosis, keratin forms a plug that blocks the openings of hair follicles.

At first, warm 1 tsp of ghee slightly and next, rub this warm ghee around and in your anus using your index finger. For optimum results, you need to use probiotic yogurt with good bacteria because these bacteria can aid in controlling the growth of the infection. Another way is putting 2 crushed garlic cloves in 1/2 cup of milk and boiling it over the low heat. After it is boiled, you should wait for it to cool down a little before drinking it. Make sure that you consume this solution with your empty stomach for the optimum benefits.

What questions should I ask my healthcare provider?

Watch your dog to see if they’re straining when going to potty. Visually check their stool to see if it is hard or dry; this is also a sign of constipation. Constipation is yet another cause of scooting and may cause your pup to leave behind a mess. A fiber or water deficiency is the number-one cause of constipation in dogs, so make sure your dog is getting plenty of both. There are several reasons your pet might develop an itchy behind. Our expert physicians and surgeons provide a full range of dermatologic, reconstructive and aesthetic treatments options at Cleveland Clinic.

itchy butt home remedies

Gradually removing one of these items every few days can help you determine which food or drink is causing your itchy anus. When I shared this article for her, she read and considered carefully which one was the best home remedies for itching anus. She has applied it for a few months and it seems better than she had expected before. If your anal itching is not severe, you can apply them but if it gets worse, you should go to consult to your doctors to receive proper treatments.

Additional Tips

Mayo Clinic does not endorse companies or products. Advertising revenue supports our not-for-profit mission. Soothing ointments, such as bismuth subgallate or zinc oxide, can relieve symptoms. We include products we think are useful for our readers.

If you have itchy butts, you should avoid liquor, beer, soda, and all drinks rich in Vitamin-C. You must skip over spicy meals and those high in vitamin-C. Avoid eating such food for at least two weeks and then start eating these foods gradually. If you don’t clean that area properly, it might as well lead to reddening and itching in the anus.

Causes of anal itching

Moreover, do not use steroid cream on the skin of young children who are under the age of two years. If you want to use steroid cream to treat some skin problems, it is important for you to ask for a doctor’s prescription carefully. Open wounds or broken skin near the anal area may lead to infections, irritating issue, itchy problem and severe inflammation.

itchy butt home remedies

This is probably one of the most important steps you should never forget if you want to avoid the dry bottom. The truth is wet bottom can trigger an infected and irritating anus for it might cause some fungus and allergies causing the problems with the bottom. Therefore, always remember to dry your bottom by using a tissue or other methods such as walking around so that your skin can breathe and get more blood. In case you do not like the medical intervention, home remedies for anal itching can help. Anal itching is uncomfortable and inconvenient which can embarrass you occasionally.

How do I take care of myself?

Petroleum jelly can relieve anal itching effectively. It’ll form a lubricated layer in the anal area, which lowers the irritation and friction. Furthermore, it relieves the burning sensation caused due to anal itching.

itchy butt home remedies

People should apply any creams to clean, dry skin at night, in the morning, and after a bowel movement. Sometimes anal itching can be the result of an infection. Eating more fiber, staying hydrated, and finding other ways to relieve constipation and soften your stool can improve both conditions. Over-the-counter hydrocortisone cream can also treat hemorrhoids.

The first step is mixing the above ingredients in equal amounts and slightly roasting this mixture. The next step is grinding them to make a fine powder. Then, mix ¼ tsp of this powder and 1 tsp of honey in 1 glass of water. Alternatively, you can apply an OTC licorice cream on your affected area several times every day. Constipation is one of the main causes of anal itching.

itchy butt home remedies

"Hemorrhoids are actually very common, and a lot of people don't even know they have them," Dr. Kim said. The infection mainly occurs in babies and young children; it can, however, spread to their caregivers and other adults. However, adding more fiber to your diet can be beneficial in preventing anal leakage.

Take an oatmeal bath

Dogs have two sacs around their anus that hold pheromone-laden fluids that dogs use to communicate with other dogs. When these glands get too full, it can cause dogs to experience that uncomfortable itching sensation. If you have secondary pruritis ani, your treatment depends on the specific cause. Genital warts are a type of sexually transmitted infection.


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